The Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) was founded in May 1997. Over the years, it has developed into a significant annual gathering for Chinese and international scholars, educators, and policymakers to share and discuss the latest research developments in the application of computers in education. The conference program typically includes keynote addresses, research paper presentations, workshops, doctoral student forums, and forums for primary and secondary school teachers. Since its inception in 1997, the GCCCE has been hosted in various cities, including Beijing (five times), Guangzhou (four times), Hong Kong (three times), Singapore (twice), Taipei (twice), Macau, Zhongli, Nanjing, Honolulu (Hawaii), Lansing (Michigan), Hangzhou, Kenting, Shanghai, Wuhan, Lanzhou, and Chongqing.
The 29th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2025) will take place from May 24 to 28, 2025, at Jiangnan University in Wuxi and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong SAR, China. The theme of GCCCE 2025 is "Embracing Frontier Technology: Cultivating the New Paradigm of Learners".
Embracing Frontier Technology: Cultivating the New Paradigm of Learners
C1 学习科学与计算机支持协作学习
Learning Sciences & Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
C2 移动、泛在与情境化学习
Mobile, Ubiquitous & Contextual Learning
C3 悦趣化学习、教育游戏与数字玩具
Joyful Learning, Educational Games, and Digital Toys
C4 高等教育与成人学习的技术应用、教师专业发展
Technology Applications in Higher Education and Adult Learning, Teacher Professional Development
C5 技术增强语言与人文学科学习
Technology Enhanced Language and Humanities Learning
C6 人工智能教育应用、智慧学习环境
Artificial Intelligence in Education Applications and Practices, Intelligent Learning Environments
C7 学习分析与学习评估
The Learning Analytics and Learning Assessment
C8 STEM与创客教育
STEM and Maker Education
C9 教育技术创新、政策与实践
Educational Technology: Innovations, Policies & Practice
Teacher Forum
Main Conference Forum
Sub-conference Forum
Doctoral Student Forum
Conference Chair

KONG Siu Cheung
The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Conference Advisor

CHAN Tak-Wai
Central University (Taiwan)
Conference Advisor

CHU Hui-Chun
Soochow University(Taiwan)
Conference Advisor

WONG Lung Hsiang
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Conference Advisor

LIU Geping
Southwest University (Mainland China)
International Program Coordination Chair

SUN Daner
The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Local Organizing Committee Chair

MA Zhiqiang
Jiangnan University (Mainlan China)
Local Organizing Committee Chair

HU Xiangen
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
International Program Coordination Vice-Chair

SHANG Junjie
Peking University (Mainland China)
International Program Coordination Vice-Chair

Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
International Program Coordination Vice-Chair

WU Sheng-yi
Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
Sub Conference Chair
C1 Learning Sciences &
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

FANG Jianwen
Wenzhou University (Mainland China)
C2 Mobile, Ubiquitous &
Contextual Learning

National Chin-Yi University of Technology (Taiwan)
C3 Joyful Learning, Educational Games,
and Digital Toys

CHEN Zhi-Hong
Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)
C4 Technology Applications in Higher Education and
Adult Learning, Teacher Professional Development

YANG Xianmin
Jiangsu Normal University (Mainlan China)
C5 Technology Enhanced Language
and Humanities Learning

AW Guat Poh
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
C6 Artificial Intelligence in Education Applications
and Practices, Intelligent Learning Environments

LIU Xiangyong
Jiangnan University (Mainland China)
C7 The Learning Analytics and Learning Assessment

HUNG Hui-Chun
Taiwan Central University (Taiwan)
C8 STEM and Maker Education
CHIANG Feng-Kuang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Mainland China)
C9 Educational Technology: Innovations, Policies & Practice

HSU Ting-Chia
Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan))
Chair of English Paper Track

Zhejiang University (Mainland China)
Chair of Doctoral Student Forum

The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Chair of Teacher Forum

The Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
Chair of Main Conference Forum

CHEN Wenli
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
Chair of Main Conference Forum

SHANG Junjie
Peking University (Mainland China)
Chair of Workshop