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Call for Paper
C1 Learning Sciences & Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning


Learning Sciences has gradually developed since the 1990s, increasingly gaining international recognition as a pivotal focus in educational research. It primarily addresses two fundamental questions: "how learning occurs " and "how to design the environment that supports learning to occur. " To address these questions, scholars in the field employ a range of empirical research methodologies to examine diverse, real-world contexts to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the learning process. One salient insight from this body of work is that effective learning is more likely to occur in intentionally designed everyday environments and informal learning contexts. Within these naturally occurring settings, social interactions frequently serve as crucial catalysts for learning. Significantly, the scope of research in Learning Sciences extends formal educational institutions to encompass informal learning opportunities in domestic, occupational, and various social environments.
  Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) emphasizes how to make full use of technology to afford the process and results of group learning and design a more effective learning environment. The sub-conference involves a wide range of disciplines, including cognitive science, educational psychology, computer science, anthropology, sociology, information science, cognitive neurology, educational technology, and other knowledge and research issues. The conference welcomes scholars and practitioner teachers interested in this field at home and abroad to work together to explore the related problems and share experiences.

Paper Submission Topics (including but not limited to the following)

1.Theoretical consideration of learning science and computer-supported collaborative learning.

2.Activities design of learning science and computer-supported collaborative learning.

3.Teaching strategies applications of learning science and computer-supported collaborative learning.

4.Innovation of learning science and computer-supported collaborative learning.

5.Evaluation and assessment of learning science and computer-supported collaborative learning.

6.Comparative research on learning science and computer-supported collaborative learning.

7.Process analysis of learning sciences and computer-supported collaborative learning

8.Challenges and countermeasures of computer-supported collaborative learning.

9.New learning paradigm and new media learning applications.

10.Learning supported by artificial intelligent technology (including generative artificial intelligence).

11.AI agent-supported collaborative learning

Paper Submission

Full manuscripts shall be submitted to the conference for review. Abstract submissions will NOT be accepted. This conference uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Please kindly note that when authors submit papers for review, the authors’ information has to be blinded in the title, the contents, and the reference part. After the paper is being accepted, the author information will be displayed in the final version of the submitted paper.
  1.Authors should only prepare submissions in Chinese (Long paper: 8 pages; Short paper: 4 pages; Poster: 2 pages). Submissions written in Chinese should include the title, abstract and keywords written in both Chinese and English.
  2.Authors should make submissions by uploading papers onto the Submission System of the conference https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2025
  3.Authors should submit papers with PDF format. Please make use of the paper template for preparing submissions.
  4. Please pay attention to all English papers, regardless of topic, please submit to English Paper Track
  5. At least one author is required to register and present for publication once a paper is accepted.

C1 Program Committee

Executive Chair

FANG Jianwen

Wenzhou University(Mainland China)


Ma Zhiqiang

Jiangnan University(Mainland China)

Pei Leisi

The Education University of Hong Kong(Hong Kong)

Tu Yunfang

Soochow University(Tai Wan)

Yuan Guangji

Nanyang Technological University(Singapore)

Program Committee Members

Huang Biyun, City University of Macau

Wang Cixiao, Beijing Normal University

Zhang Di, Zhejiang Normal University

Hu Dongpin, Education University of Hong Kong

Zhu FangFang, Jiangnan University

Geng Fengji, Zhejiang University

Li Fengqing, Shandong Normal University

Yang Gang, Wenzhou University

Xu Guangtao, Hangzhou Normal University

Hwang Gwo-Haur, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Li Haifeng, Xinjiang Normal University

Huang Hsin, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences

Lin Hui-Chen, Taipei Medical University

Zhao Jiahua, Fujian Normal University

Yao Jiajia, Jiangnan University

Wang Jing, Jiangnan University

Wang Juan, Jiangsu Normal University

Tang Kai-Yu, National Chung Hsing University

Zhao Leilei, Nanjing Normal University

Yu Liang, SouthWest University

Zheng Long Wei, East China Normal University

Lan Min, Zhejiang Normal University

Chiu Min-Chi, Ling Tung University

Jong Morris Siu Yung, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Yang Qi-Fan, Fujian Normal University

Fu Qing-Ke, Huzhou Normal University

Chang Shao-Chen, Yuan Ze University

WU SHU-HAO, National Taiwan Normal University

Chen Weifeng, Wenzhou University

Yu Xiaohua, East China Normal University

Cui Xin, Jiangnan University

Wang Xinghua, Qingdao University

Jin Xinquan, Jiangnan University

Lin XiuYu, South China Normal University

Wei Xuefeng, Ludong University

Qian xunyan, Hangzhou Normal University

Wang Yanli, Northwest Minzu University

Li Yue, Tianjing University

Tu Yun-Fang, Soochow University