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Call for Paper
English Paper Track


The GCCCE 2025 will feature nine theme-based sub-conferences, primarily accepting academic papers written in Chinese. To broaden the international impact of the conference, we are pleased to announce the English Paper Track (EPT), which welcomes submissions of papers written in English. These papers must address topics related to technology-enhanced learning.

The EPT will have its own dedicated program committee, independent paper sessions, and a separate proceedings volume. Exceptional submissions will be considered for the Best English Paper Award. Additionally, all accepted full papers (with at least one registered author) will be invited to extend their work for submission to the Journal of Computers in Education, the flagship journal of the Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (https://link.springer.com/journal/40692).


The proceedings of EPT will be indexed in Scopus.

The scope of papers will cover but not be limited to

1.Learning Sciences & Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

2.Mobile, Ubiquitous & Contextualized Learning

3.Joyful Learning, Educational Games and Digital Toys

4.Technology in Higher Education & Adult Learning and Teacher Professional Development

5.Technology-enhanced language and humanities learning

6.Artificial Intelligence in Education and Smart Learning Environments

7.Learning analytics and assessment

8.Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Maker Education

9.Educational Technology: Innovations, policies and practices

Paper submission

Papers must be written in English.

Full paper (8 pages), short paper (4 pages), and poster (2 pages) formats are accepted.

Submit your manuscript as a PDF file.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Please ensure your PDF does not include author information.

Please use the conference’s official paper template. Submissions that do not follow the prescribed format may not be included in the proceedings.

Submit your paper via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gccce2025

ETP Program Committee

Executive Chair


Zhejiang University(Mainland China)


Zou Di

Lingnan University(HK)

Dr Teo Chew Lee

Nanyang Technological University(Singapore)

Min-Hsien Lee

Taiwan Normal University(TW)


Yang Yuqin

Central China Normal University(Mainland China)

Program committee members

Tzung-Jin Lin, Taiwan Normal University

Pei-Shan Tsai, Taipei University of Technology

Tzu-Chiang Lin, Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

Ying-Ju Chiu, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica

Liao Yi-Hung, Pingtung University

Tang Kai-Yu, Chung Hsing University

Lin Cathy S., University of Kaohsiung

Tseng Hsiao-Ting, Central University

Tseng Chien-Wei, Taichung University of Science and Technology

Huang Chi-Sheng, Taichung University of Science and Technology

Li Huiyong, Kyushu University

Huang Chester S.J., Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

Yang Albert C.M., Chung Hsing University

Wang Chien-Chun, Quemoy University