Generative AI - Driven Teacher Learning and Professional Development: Practical Exploration and Theoretical Reconstruction
Forum Chairperson and Members
This forum aims to explore the innovative applications of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in teacher learning and professional development, deeply analyze its practical explorations, and its reconstructive effects on the theories related to teacher learning and professional development. This forum brings together educational technology researchers and teacher educators from Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Chinese mainland to discuss the mechanisms, practical cases, and future development trends of generative AI - empowered teacher learning.
This forum will explore how generative AI can support teachers' professional reflection, instructional design, classroom practice, and the improvement of teaching evaluation, covering topics such as data - driven teaching decision - making, intelligent feedback systems, teacher learning analysis, and personalized professional development paths. In addition, the forum will also focus on the potential of generative AI in promoting teacher collaboration, knowledge co - construction, and the development of professional communities, analyze relevant practical cases, and discuss their theoretical bases.
By promoting cross - regional and interdisciplinary exchanges and cooperation, this forum aims to drive the deep integration of educational technology and teacher professional development, provide more intelligent, personalized, and efficient support for teacher learning, and further explore the future directions of generative AI - driven teacher professional development.
Introduction to Group Members

Dr. Wong Lung Hsiang
Dr. Wong Lung Hsiang is a Senior Education Research Scientist at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. His current research interests include mobile and seamless learning, AI in education, computer-assisted language and science learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, and teachers' professional development. Leveraging his extensive experience in design-based research and school-based longitudinal intervention studies, he has established niches in seamless learning and computer-assisted language learning. He led several funded studies on seamless Chinese language learning models,and has authored two pioneering books on mobile seamless learning. Recently, Dr. Wong has expanded his research to include AI in mother tongue language learning, collaborating closely with the Mother Tongue Language Branch, Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Education. He has published over 40 SSCI/SCI-indexed journal articles and has received numerous Best/Outstanding Paper Awards at conferences such as AI-ED'95, GCCCE'09, WMUTE'10, ICCE’11, mLearn'11 (two awards), GCCCE'13 (two awards), ICCE'15, and GCCCE'24. He received the prestigious APSCE Distinguished Researcher Award in 2015. He is currently a Managing Editor of the SSCI-indexed Asia-Pacific Journal on Education and a former Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. He is recognised as a top-2% researcher worldwide according to an ongoing study by Stanford University.

Dr. Yuqin Yang
Dr. Yuqin Yang is a professor of the learning sciences at the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence in Education at Central china Normal University (CCNU). Prof Yang graduated from The University of Hong Kong, majoring in information technology studies in 2016. She supervises doctoral students in CCNU and also the Education University of Hong Kong. She is the awardee of Chutian Scholar of Hubei Province and Guizi Youth Scholar of CCNU. She is also a member of the third batch of national "Huang Danian-style" teacher teams in universities, and also has won the 9th Hubei Province Teaching Achievement Award. She is also leading several nation- and province-level projects. Her research interests include pedagogy and assessment of Knowledge Building, data science education, learning analytics, Al in education, and computer supported collaborative learning. She conducts considerable research on AI/learning analytics-supported knowledge building with a focus on developing students’ higher-order thinking skills. Her publications have appeared in top-tier international journals such as Computers & Education and Internet & Higher Education, American Educational Research Journal, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), and so on. She is the editorial board member of Learning and instruction, and the guest editor of BJET. She has received best paper awards at conferences such as AERA, AECT, and GCCCE. She has chaired multiple international and domestic conferences, such as ICCE, GCCCE, and the Learning Science Subcommittee.

Dr. Lingyun Huang
Dr. Lingyun Huang is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Education University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the development and application of emerging educational technologies. He is committed to exploring how to use cutting-edge educational technologies such as artificial intelligence to design innovative learning environments, and to evaluating the role of such environments in promoting teachers to master new technologies and improve their professional abilities. In addition, he also conducts in-depth research on the impact of educational policies on the promotion and application of educational technology, and how to promote innovation and change in the field of education through policy guidance.

Dr. Huiying Cai
Dr. Huiying Cai is Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Technology, School of Humanities, Jiangnan University. Dr Cai graduated from East China Normal University, majoring in information technology studies in 2016. She supervises Master students in Jiangnan University and is a Visiting Scholar at The Education University of Hong Kong. She is the awardee of Zhishan Young Scholar of Jiangnan University, Taihu Cultural Youth Talent of Wuxi City. Her research focuses on learning science and technology design, teacher professional development, and AI applications in education. In recent years, she has published over 40 high-level papers in SSCI and CSSCI journals, including Educational Research, Journal of East China Normal University (Education Science Edition), ETRD, BJET, and more. She has authored two monographs and textbooks, and her several papers were fully reprinted by Xinhua Digest and Renmin University Reprint. She currently serves on the editorial board of the SSCI journal Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, the Youth Editorial Board of the Chinese core journal Popular Science Education, the Mainland Secretariat of the GCSCE, the Council of the Chinese Educational Technology Society's Committee for Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools, and the Committee for Popularization Work of the Chinese Association of Automation.

Dr. Khor Ean Teng
Dr. Khor Ean Teng is a faculty member (Education Research Scientist) at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She is an editorial board member of the Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, also a founding leader of the Learning Analytics Special Interest Group at NIE. With a background in computer science and educational technology, her academic career has been dedicated to bridging technology and education. Her research and teaching focus on various pedagogical approaches and the integration of educational technology to enhance learning experiences. At present, her research interests revolve around the areas of AI for education, learning analytics, educational data mining, and educational technology. Dr. Khor has authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles and conference papers, with several of her research papers earning awards at international conferences. Notably, she received the International Council for Open and Distance Education Prize for Innovation & Best Practice in 2013 (Tianjin). She is also a Young Innovator Award recipient, earning a Gold Medal (2010 - Hanoi, 2014 - Hong Kong) and a Silver Medal (2013 - Islamabad). In 2023, she received the Best Paper Award at an academic conference. Under her research supervision, her Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA) students have achieved notable accolades, including the NTU President Research Scholar Award and Second Prize in the DISCOVER URECA Poster Competition in 2023.

Dr. Chengjiu Yin
Dr. Chengiu Yin, is a professor at the Information Infrastructure Research and Development Center of Kyushu University, Japan, serving as the Voice CIO (Chief Information Officer), Director of the Educational Infrastructure Business Office, and Head of the System Operations Department of the Learning Analytics Center. He also holds a concurrent position at the Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering at Kyushu University. From July 2018 to March 2019, he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota, USA. He is a member of IEEE, IPSJ, JSET, JSiSE, and APSCE. Additionally, he has served as a guest editor for the Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI, ESCI) three times and for Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI) four times.
Dr. Yin has nearly 20 years of research experience in the field of educational technology, such as artificial intelligence in education, learning analytics, educational big data mining, and data-driven learning. He has published numerous research papers in internationally renowned journals, including the Journal of Educational Technology & Society and Interactive Learning Environments. He has authored over 200 academic papers, with nearly 60 being journal articles. His current research focuses on educational data mining and learning analytics. He has been invited to speak about educational big data research at several universities, such as Wuhan University, Northeast Normal University, and Asia University. He was also invited to be a Theme-based Invited Speaker at ICCE2020 (C3). Dr. Yin received the Best Paper Award (Short Paper) at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015) and the Best Poster Paper Award at the 2019 IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics. He was awarded the Early Career Researcher Award by APSCE (Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education) in 2019.